Through a series of workshops, our team of experienced consultants will establish your business needs, understand your processes, and help you to define the most appropriate implementation approach. To ensure a seamless connection to your existing processes, the agency solution provides an API that enables you to readily integrate with many third-party systems. This ensures increased operational efficiency and further streamlines the validation processes within your organization. In addition to this, the agency solutions’ integrated connector enables you to automatically keep a local agency solution repository, or partial repository, that is synchronized with the EMA Common Repository. The in-build technical validation ensures your submission is valid according to the latest validation criteria provided by the authorities. The EURS stablecoin integration marks the first of many plans the XDC Network has to cultivate a diverse stablecoin ecosystem.

The introduction of STASIS EURO or EURS to the Stellar network is a timely response to this need, offering a market-tested and dependable option amidst the market’s ups and downs not only to Eurozone clients but globally. Mr Toivo Klaar was appointed EUSR for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia on 13 November 2017. Alongside a host of other stablecoins, including EURS, the proposed asset will serve as a market solution to bring trade finance on-chain — bolstering liquidity and routes to funding in the sector. The EURS Network is a comprehensive ecosystem uniting regulated digital asset players and empowering users with a comprehensive suite of digital tools to manage stablecoins.

  1. Its scalable XDPoS (XinFin Delegated Proof of Stake) consensus mechanism and its interoperability with ISO financial messaging standards make the XDC Network enterprise and developer-friendly.
  2. Financial institutions and innovators worldwide issue assets and settle payments on the Stellar network, which has processed billions operations with millions of accounts since the network was first launched.
  3. In order to achieve the policy objectives, the mandate includes the task of offering the EU’s advice and support in the political process and promote overall Union political coordination in Kosovo.
  4. All investment services are provided by the respective Wise Assets entity in your location.

They provide the EU with an active political presence in key countries and regions, acting as a “voice” and “face” for the EU and its policies. Through the agency solution interface, you can access imported submissions and search, view, and annotate them. This powerful feature allows you to organize and filter submissions based on certain criteria, such as regulatory activities corresponding to the overall regulatory status of a drug product. As recognized by regulatory authorities around the globe, the agency solution is the requisite solution for effortless review and validation of regulatory submissions. Regulatory agencies are faced with increasing volumes of submission documents and data.

The agency solution lets organizations review electronic submissions in a timely manner, enabling them to avoid backlogs and ensure that medicinal products meet regulatory requirements. Banks and traditional providers often have extra costs, which they pass to you by marking up the exchange rate. On 2 April 2020, Mr. Miroslav Lajčák was appointed EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkan regional issues. His appointment is testament to the European Union’s desire to intensify the EU-facilitated Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and its engagement in the Western Balkans. As part of his mandate, he works towards achieving comprehensive normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia.


This interconnected network serves as a hub that streamlines 24/7 crypto-fiat exchanges, enhancing EURS usability. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — STASIS, a trailblazer in issuing euro-backed stablecoins and the company behind EURS, has recently achieved a significant milestone by integrating with the Stellar blockchain. This integration brings a new digital version of the second-most widely used currency in the world to the Stellar network, broadening access to transparent and reliable euro-denominated stablecoins. The EUSR seeks the best ways to contribute to the stability and security of the region by engaging and supporting dialogue and long-term regional solutions with individual Gulf partners and relevant regional organisations. He equally supports and cooperates with the Council and the European Commission to help ensure the consistency of the EU’s external action in the region, and contributes to increase the visibility and understanding of the role of the EU.

She seeks to build upon her long experience to channel strong cooperation in-between the EU and Central Asia region. The European Union has Special Representatives in different countries and regions of the world. Quick access to submissions throughout the entire lifecycle of a medicinal product. All investment services are provided by the respective Wise Assets entity in your location. In other states, the program is sponsored by Community Federal Savings Bank, to which we’re a service provider.


The Special Representative also aims to enhance the quality, intensity and impact of the EU’s multifaceted engagement in the Horn of Africa. The company has a clear focus on regulations when creating the euro-backed digital asset that helps protect funds from the volatility, risks and uncertainty of financial markets. Klumov is a tech entrepreneur specializing in alternative asset management and the development of complex business multi-strategies. He started out in IT, established a high-speed Internet Service Provider (ISP) called BNET at a young age, then moved into finance and later entered the crypto sector during the emergence of Bitcoin. The cryptoasset is additionally supported by a complete ecosystem of liquidity providers, custodians, exchanges, payment platforms, and many others. Already, EURS boasts over 70,000 users all across the globe, and reserves for the asset have reached almost 100 million Euros — representing a full 3x growth during the last year alone.

Euro to US dollars Historical Exchange Rates

It recently partnered with Tradeteq, a technology and software provider for the trade finance industry. Together, the pair aims to launch the world’s first Stablecoin backed by a basket of tangible and well-established trade finance instruments. EURS provides a safe alternative for users, including institutional investors, to leverage a digital asset safely and without the need for costly intermediaries. It is also entirely and transparently backed by Euro reserves, offering daily account statements, monthly verifications, and quarterly audits through their auditor, BDO Malta.

The EURS token is deployed as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, which is secured by a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. EURS is also available on Ethereum layer-2 chains like Arbitrum, Polygon, Gnosis Chain, Algorand, XRP and XDC Network. The STASIS EURO price page is just one in Price Index that features price history, price ticker, market cap, and live charts for the top cryptocurrencies. In a world where understanding the intricacies of cryptocurrency remains a challenge for many, the existence of a transparent and trusted stablecoin like EURS is a game-changer. Mr. Luigi Di Maio was appointed as the first EU Special Representative for the Gulf region on 15 May 2023 and he took up his duties on 1 June, with an initial mandate of 21 months. Scalable for numerous internal and external users where IT resources may be limited.

The EURS system also offers on-demand verification for any onboarded entity through their proprietary STASIS platform. Ms Annette Weber was appointed as EU Special Representative for the Horn of Africa on 1 July 2021. The mandate of the Special Representative is to actively contribute to regional and international efforts to achieve lasting peace, security and development in the region.

EURES (EURopean Employment Services)

Read about Euro Coin (EUROC) — another stablecoin whose price is pegged to the EUR. Headquartered in Malta since 2012, STASIS EURO has been cooperating with the Government of Malta on the regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies. If you are new to crypto, use the University and our Help Center to learn how to start buying Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies.

Depending on your system specifications, the agency solution can be installed and validated within a matter of days. Its user-friendly and intuitive interface is equipped with integrated, context-sensitive online help that ensures ease of adoption amongst your users and minimizes the need for expensive structured training sessions. Supporting distributed workforces with many hundreds of users, the agency solution is an extremely scalable solution. He previously served as a political and legal advisor in peace and mediation processes under the auspices of the EU, the UN, and other international organisations, including in Cyprus, Kosovo, Mali, Sudan and Syria, among others. Mr Tomáš Szunyog was appointed European Union Special Representative for Kosovo on 1 September 2020. In order to achieve the policy objectives, the mandate includes the task of offering the EU’s advice and support in the political process and promote overall Union political coordination in Kosovo.

Business Process and Regulatory Consulting Services

He also supports the implementation of the General Framework Agreement for Peace (GFAP) in BiH. To ensure you get the most out of your purchased solution, we offer detailed training for each product within the EXTEDOpulse solution portfolio. Training sessions are tailored to your individual eurs needs and cover a broad range of technical and regulatory topics. Designed to educate you on how to utilize your EXTEDO solution, our training sessions are conducted either in-house or onsite. They add hidden markups to their exchange rates – charging you more without your knowledge.

Ms Emanuela Claudia Del Re took up the duties of EU Special Representative for the Sahel on 1 July 2021. Her mandate is to lead the EU’s contribution to regional and international efforts for lasting peace, security and development in the Sahel. She also coordinates the EU’s comprehensive approach to the regional crisis, on the basis of the EU Strategy for Security and Development in the Sahel. The integration comes in an effort to foster greater liquidity in the trade finance sector — particularly for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that remain impacted by the ongoing coronavirus disruptions.

This integration will also help users within the XDC ecosystem by providing a transparent stablecoin solution that complements solutions pegged to the US dollar. STASIS’ prior commitment to multi-chain development led to the integration with Stellar, renowned for its quick transaction processing, low fees, and scalability. This initiative not only expands the user base for EURS but provides the Stellar ecosystem access to one of the most prominent EURO stablecoins that can be leveraged in the Stellar network’s ever growing real-world use cases. Tailored specifically to the needs of regulatory and related stakeholders, EXTEDO’s business process and regulatory consulting services are designed to support you during and after your eCTD submissions.